The Domesticated Race
The Turtles Mobile Gang
The Sunnies not the Moonies
Fish Sticks for Dinner
Shell Life not Shelf Life
 A Hare-y Situation
 Shearing Salon
Meet Planet O’Hare
 Feast of the McMoon Nuggets
 The Moon is the only hope for your future. And our Moon Rabbits from McMoon Nuggets Restaurants will bring you there. Off to the Moon you can go with a year long supply of McMoon Nuggets for only $50,000 per year. That’s only for the low price of $1
The Domesticated Race
The Domesticated Race

is world building series revealing two different lands themed on mythologies and folklore of the Aesop’s fable “The Tortoise and the Hare.” These collage dioramas prophesize the domestication of animals as modes of transportation and essential material resources. The two distinguishing animal lifestyles challenge the concepts of progress, growth, and sustainability in human civilization.

The Turtles Mobile Gang
The Turtles Mobile Gang

3 female identifying singles make up “The Turtles Mobile Gang.” They are known criminals near the shore who own pet Turtles. All single females past the age of 30 are deemed illegal. That’s why we have built The Great Sandwall. To protect us from dangers of the shore and all those single ladies.

“Cars have lost their allure of rarity and above all they can no longer perform the task they were conceived for: speed has slowed down. Cars are immobile like stupid slumbering tortoises in the city traffic. Only slowness is fast.” - Franco BIFO Berardi

The Sunnies not the Moonies
The Sunnies not the Moonies

The next generations are to stay on Earth. We should not colonize another planet’s resources. The world does not belong to us. On Earth we shall stay. As we are the Sunny’s not the Moonies. We will stay on Earth to protect our way of life given to us by our ancestors. And live side by side with our pet Turtles. Turtles are family. Our wedding to our spouse is the same day as our Unification with our pet Turtle.

Fish Sticks for Dinner
Fish Sticks for Dinner

We seduce male-phins and kill them for dinner. It isn’t cannibalism. They usually reach a point in their lives that they consent. We just play with their dick and eat them after. They would rather die than live one more day not having a female touch their genitals. It’s a dish we call “Fish Sticks.” I met the biggest Fish Stick the other day and boy was I lucky. I can live off of that for probably the next 2 months.

Shell Life not Shelf Life
Shell Life not Shelf Life

She ate her my own pet Turtle to stay alive. “I had no food source,” she says,” It isn’t cannibalism. “ And now she has no means of transportation. She cannot walk. She cannot hunt for food. She is stuck there to decay like the bones she’s built and decorated her tiny abode with.

 A Hare-y Situation
A Hare-y Situation

Vegetation is scarce and a luxury. Vegetables are a government protected food source restricted to rabbit consumption. Rabbit livestock requires high rise farming facilities for protection. Growing illegal private vegetable gardens are liable to prosecution.

 Shearing Salon
Shearing Salon

Not only are pet Rabbits a great food source, all salon costs for pet Rabbits are free for kids under the age of 12! All salons donate their hair to the nearest local wool station.

Meet Planet O’Hare
Meet Planet O’Hare

Can life be sustained on a new planet if we just had the two sources : meat and hair? Meet Planet O’Hare, the next sustainable no waste commune, sponsored by McMoon Nuggets.

 Feast of the McMoon Nuggets
Feast of the McMoon Nuggets

McMoon nuggets are designed as a tasty martyr treat. Our meat flavored proteins are sourced from locally grown pet Rabbits, raised by loving families and fed with organic vegetables

 The Moon is the only hope for your future. And our Moon Rabbits from McMoon Nuggets Restaurants will bring you there. Off to the Moon you can go with a year long supply of McMoon Nuggets for only $50,000 per year. That’s only for the low price of $1

The Moon is the only hope for your future. And our Moon Rabbits from McMoon Nuggets Restaurants will bring you there. Off to the Moon you can go with a year long supply of McMoon Nuggets for only $50,000 per year. That’s only for the low price of $136.98 per day in a 365 day calendar!
